25 September 2024: UNI at Sustainable Places in Luxembourg
Elena Mocchio from UNI will participate in the 12th annual edition of Sustainable Places (SP2024). This year, the important event for R&I projects has a focus on bio-based materials in the emerging circular economy.
On September 25th, Elena will present BioReCer and especially the mapping activity and the standardisation toolkit developed within WP4, and the pathway towards the development of a future new standardisation document (CWA).
2 October 2024: Italian Stakeholder Meeting
The BioReCer team invites all stakeholders to join us for the next BioReCer stakeholder meeting in Milan, Italy and online. Participants can expect comprehensive insights into certification indicators for bio-based feedstocks and catch a first climpse into the digital support tools developed in the BioReCer project.
27 November 2024: 2nd Annual Stakeholders Meeting
To keep up to date, make sure to also register as BRSP member and to subscribe to our newsletter!
The agenda and the content of the event will follow soon! Stay tuned: we will not only present the latest BioReCer results but will also elaborate on NOVA’s Biomass Utilisation Factor and its application.
26-27 November 2024: EGM will present BioReCer at the Pollutec Paris
EGM (the leader of BioReCer’s WP5) is going to exhibit their technical progress on BioReCer at Pollutec Paris on 26 – 27 November. More information on the event can be found here
More events coming soon! Stay updated by subscribing to our newsletter, please also follow our hashtag #BioReCer or participate in our LinkedIn group
Past Events
4 July 2024: Virtual talk for stakeholders in the cork sector (in Spanish with English subtitles)
BETANIA/Euradia organises a virtual talk aimed at informing producers and consumers of the bioindustry in the cork sector about the BioReCer project.
Get involved in the decision-making that affects you!
Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity. Write us to register: [email protected]
24 May 2024; 3:35 pm: BioReCer in a Spanish Radio Talk Show!
*Only in Spanish*
Listen to BioReCer on the radio! In a 20 min talk show format organised by EURADIA/BETANIA, Cetaqua, Anfaco and Unitelma will explain BioReCer to the general public:
CETAQUA: Will explain what the project consists of and its advantages.
ANFACO: Will comment on the case studies they are working on.
UNITELMA: Will explain the importance of stakeholders in the project and how to be part of it.
Find the synchronised broadcast here
07 June 2024; 11 am to 12:30 pm (CET): BioReCer at the first 3-CO webinar “Six pathways to smart certification of bio-based systems”
Certification and labelling play a crucial role in empowering consumers to make informed and sustainable purchasing decisions by impeding greenwashing and instead providing credible and reliable sustainability information. Furthermore, they facilitate the tracking and traceability of biological feedstock throughout value chains, fostering transparency and accountability among stakeholders of the bio-based industry. However, there are a lot of challenges for current certification and labelling schemes, since they are often not sufficiently laid-out for bio-based products and their value-chains, and that they do not reflect the environmental and sustainability benefits.
Following different calls of the European Commission several Horizon Europe projects are currently tackling the issue of certification and labelling by taking into account current political and societal developments. The projects’ diverse approaches encompass assessment, monitoring, and validation of bio-based case studies, defining sustainability indicators, formulating guidelines for certification and labelling schemes, offering policy recommendations, and developing innovative digital tools to provide information on bio-based value chains to consumers or industry stakeholders.
Join us on June 7th and listen to pitches from six HORIZON Europe projects: 3-CO, BioReCer, HARMONITOR, Star4bbs, SUSTRACK, and Sustcert4Biobased. Together, we’ll explore their innovative approaches, recent advancements and latest results that pave the way for shaping a strong circular EU bioeconomy.
13 June 2024; 9:30 am to 3 pm: Certifying the sustainability of Biological Resources in the Forest Industry: A multi-stakeholder perspectivet
16 May 2024; 9 am: Online event: Unitelma Sapienza at Festival dello Sviluppo Sostenibile
Unitelma Sapienza will be present at Festival dello Sviluppo Sostenibile with the conference “Making the transition to a sustainable and circular bioeconomy”
đź“… Date: 17.05.2024
đź•’ Time: 9.00 am
đź“Ť Location: Unitelma Sapienza sala Conferenze (Room 108 – first floor) or ONLINE at the following link
28 February 2024; 5 pm: RI.SE presented BioReCer at the MWC24 in Barcelona
Isabel Burdallo from RI.SE, the leader of case study 4 (forestry), is going to present BioReCer at MWC24 in Barcelona on Wednesday, 28 February, 5 pm in Hall 6, Mobile World Capital Barcelona Stand 6B31.
More information on the event can be found here
12–13 December 2023: BioReCer and 3-CO at the European BioPlastics Conference 2023, in Berlin, Germany.
Meet the BioReCer Team at the European Bioplastics Conference in Berlin, one of Europe’s leading events in the field of bio-based materials. We will be presenting the projects objectives at Booth 10 and excited to meet key-players of the European bio-economy from science and industry.
More on the European BioPlastics Conference
Don’t miss this free-of-charge online training by UNI Italian Standardisation Body in cooperation with BioReCer’s related project Star4bbs! The aim of this training is to shed light on the standardisation world: how it works, which are the main actors, and how it links with certification. The training will also highlight how organisations can transform R&I results into a fast-track standardisation document, the CEN Workshop Agreement – CWA. Finally, this training will explore standardisation outcomes from Star4bbs, BioReCer and Bioradar, and will disseminate objectives and intermediate results to companies, research institutions and standardisation experts.
REGISTER HERE to receive the programme of the training and the link to join.
For more information please contact Cristina Di Maria
5-8 November 2023 – BioReCer at the Ecomondo Exhibition in Rimini, Italy
Elena Mocchio from UNI presented BioReCer in the plenary session of the Biowaste: XXV Conference on Composting and Anaerobic Digestion accompanying the Ecomondo Exhibition. The title of her talk was: La prassi UNI per l’esecuzione delle analisi merceologiche.
13 November 2023 – 15:00-17:00 (CET) Annual Stakeholder Meeting (online)
The BioReCer (Biological Resources Certifications Schemes) project aims to assess and complement current certification schemes for biological resources according to the new EU sustainability goals to enhance bio-based circular systems.
This will be achieved by including new criteria that align with EU taxonomy and EU corporate due diligence regulations into guidelines for certifying biological resources’ sustainability, origin, tracking and traceability (T&T), and by ensuring applicability at EU and global scale.
The project includes the BioResources Stakeholders Platform (BRSP) where key players and interested parties can exchange informartion and develop suitable solutions. This annual meeting will inform stakeholders about the recent project achievements and future plans, and you are kindly invited to join the conversation.
23 October 2023 – 12:00 to 14:00 (EET) Stakeholder Event in Greece
In person meeting in Thessaloniki! Are you interested in material flow analysis (MFA) and management of waste streams of the four different case studies? Are you curious about the outcomes and decision making process of BioReCer’s focus group discussions? Do you want to discuss sustainability/circularity indicators? Then be part of this interesting meeting as a Greek stakeholder.
07 June 2023 – 11 am (CET) *IN ITALIAN!*
Focus group discussion for case study 2 (urban waste(water))! The aim of the focus group meeting is to collect qualitative data about your opinions on e.g. potential barriers for the use of products based on municipal waster, what opportunities/advantages you, as stakeholders, see, and the role of policy makers.
Please register as a stakeholder of BioReCer. Sign up here
After registering as stakeholder please contact Annarita Colasante ([email protected]) to receive the link to the meeting!
25 May 2023 – 9-10 am (CET)
Second possibility to join the first focus group discussion for case study 4 (forest industry)! The aim of the focus group meeting is to collect qualitative data about your opinions on e.g. potential barriers for the use of products based on secondary feedstock, what opportunities/advantages you, as stakeholders, see, and the role of policy makers.
Please note that you need to be a stakeholder of BioReCer to attend. Please sign up here
On the 25th of May you can enter the Teams meeting here
Meeting ID: 317 045 122 30
Password: chUYKd
Or call in (audio only): +46 8 505 323 41,,939177436#
Conference ID: 939 177 436#
24 May 2023 – 12 am (CET)
First focus group discussion for case study 4 (forest industry)! The aim of the focus group meeting is to collect qualitative data about your opinions on e.g. potential barriers for the use of products based on secondary feedstock, what opportunities/advantages you, as stakeholders, see, and the role of policy makers.
Please note that you need to be a stakeholder of BioReCer to attend. Please sign up here
On the 24th of May you can enter the Teams meeting here
Meeting ID: 317 045 122 30
Password: chUYKd
Or call in (audio only): +46 8 505 323 41,,939177436#
Conference ID: 939 177 436#
11 May 2023
First focus group discussion for case study 1 (fish cannery and wastewater)! The aim of the focus group meeting is to collect qualitative data about your opinions on e.g. potential barriers for the use of products based on secondary feedstock, what opportunities/advantages you, as stakeholders, see, and the role of policy makers.
Please note that you need to be a stakeholder of BioReCer to attend. Please sign up here