Arias, A., Feijoo, G., & Moreira, M. T. (2023). Biorefineries as a driver for sustainability: Key aspects, actual development and future prospects. Journal of Cleaner Production, 418, 137925.
Arias, A., Feijoo, G., & Moreira, M. T. (2023). Advancing the European energy transition based on environmental, economic and social justice. Sustainable Production and Consumption.
Arias, A., Costa, C. E., Moreira, M. T., Feijoo, G., & Domingues, L. (2023). Environmental and techno-economic assessment on the valorization of vine-side streams to produce resveratrol. Journal of Cleaner Production, 429, 139622.
Arias, A., Costa, C. E., Feijoo, G., Moreira, M. T., & Domingues, L. (2023). Process modeling, environmental and economic sustainability of the valorization of whey and eucalyptus residues for resveratrol biosynthesis. Waste Management, 172, 226-234.
Arias, A., Ioannidou, S. M., Giannakis, N., Feijoo, G., Moreira, M. T., & Koutinas, A. (2023). Review of potential and prospective strategies for the valorization of coffee grounds within the framework of a sustainable and circular bioeconomy. Industrial Crops and Products, 205, 117504.
Lago-Olveira, S., Arias, A., Rebolledo-Leiva, R., Feijoo, G., González-GarcĂa, S., & Moreira, M. T. (2024). Monitoring the bioeconomy: Value chains under the framework of life cycle assessment indicators. Cleaner and Circular Bioeconomy, 7, 100072.
Estévez, S., Hernández, V., Hernández-Sancho, F., Feijoo, G., & Moreira, M. T. (2024). Life-cycle assessment, carbon-footprint and techno-economic analysis. Anaerobic Treatment of Domestic Wastewater, 293.
Arias, A., EstĂ©vez-Rivadulla, S., Rebolledo-Leiva, R., Feijoo, G., González-GarcĂa, S., & Moreira, M. T. (2024). Boosting the transition to biorefineries in compliance with sustainability and circularity criteria. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 12(5), 113361.
Castro-Fernandez, A., Estévez, S., Lema, J. M., Taboada-Santos, A., Feijoo, G., & Moreira, M. T. (2024). Large-Scale Commercial-Grade Volatile Fatty Acids Production from Sewage Sludge and Food Waste: A Holistic Environmental Assessment. Environmental Science and Ecotechnology, 100518.

Anthoula Karanasiou from CERTH shared the research outcomes of BioReCer at the 14th Panhellenic Conference on Chemical Engineering, which was held in Thessaloniki, Greece, on 29th – 31st of May 2024. The title of the poster presentation was: “Mapping of Available Sewage Sludge Quantities and Utilization Methods in the European Union”.