Project Coordinator

Cetaqua is a model of public-private collaboration that was created to ensure the sustainability and efficiency of the water cycle while taking regional needs into account.
Within BIORECER, CETAQUA acts as WP1 leader, i.e. the project coordinator

Active Citizenship Network
Cittadinanzattiva APS (CA) is an Italian organisation, which promotes civic participation and the protection of citizens’ rights in Italy and in Europe. Since 2001, CA works also at the EU level thanks to its EU branch called “Active Citizenship Network” (ACN).
In BioReCer, Cittadinanzattiva – ACN will work in WP4 and WP8, mainly dedicated to communication and dissemination and stakeholders’ involvement.

Anfaco Ceocopesca
ANFACO-CECOPESCA is a private non-profit business association, representing and defending the sectoral interests of more than 250 companies from the marine and food industry sector. It also provides high added value services through its Technology Centre.
ANFACO will participate in case study 1 throughout all the process: biomass impacts across material flow analysis, end-user possibilities, circularity assessment, traceability, etc. ANFACO will also participate in WP5 promoting the development of the ICT tool.

Betania Legio SL
Betania Legio is a Spanish SME with more than 20 years of experience in favouring the impact and exploitation of the results of R+D+i projects by establishing the necessary Go-To-Market and commercial exploitation strategies and actions. It has developed more than 1,000 technology-based products and services in the market. Within BioReCer Betania is the lead partner of WP7, defining the exploitation strategy, the IPR management plan and the commercialisation plan of the project results.

Brunel University London
Brunel is an international university focused on providing education and research relevant to industry and society. A key focus of Brunel’s research team is sustainable resource recovery from waste and wastewater, data analytics, process modelling, decision support systems, circularity and sustainability measurement and assessment, as well track and traceability assessment frameworks. Brunel University leads WP3 and T2.4 within BioReCer.

CAP is the 100% publicly-funded company that manages the integrated water service in the metropolitan city of Milan and various other municipalities in the provinces of Monza and Brianza, Pavia, Varese and Como according to the in house providing model, guaranteeing the public control of the member bodies in accordance with the principles of transparency, responsibility and participation.
The company is also one of the protagonists of the Water Alliance, the network of 13 companies from Lombardy.
Within BioReCer, CAP will participate and contribute to the Italian case study. Moreover, CAP will participate in tasks from WP1, WP2, WP4, WP5, WP6 WP7, WP8.

CERTH is the largest R&D organization in Northern Greece, and Centre of Excellence in development, exploitation, and dissemination of novel technologies.In BioReCer, CERTH is represented by two Institutes: (i) the Institute of Bio-Economy and Agri-Technology (iBO | Laboratory of Environmental Engineering & Sustainability) and (ii) the Chemical Process & Energy Resources Institute (CPERI | Natural Resources and Renewable Energy Lab).
Within BioReCer, CERTH leads the Material Flow Analysis and mapping of biological feedstocks activities under WP2 and supports WP4 and WP6 with its expertise in LCA and green value-chains. Also, CERTH is the leader of the Greek Case Study demonstrated in the project.

Cluster Spring
The Cluster SPRING is a non-profit association that creates networks and value chains for Italy’s bio-based industry, acting as the Italian Circular Bioeconomy Cluster.
Within BioReCer, SPRING supports the Italian case study for Lombardy region.

EGM, an SME based in Nantes and Sophia-Antipolis (France), creates, produces, and provides scalable and interoperable solutions to collect and exchange information connecting the physical world to the digital world in order to allow private and public actors to optimize and improve their services.
EGM supports its clients thanks to its permanent innovation approach and its operational know-how of the data life cycle, from acquisition to data processing.
Within BioReCer, EGM is leader of WP5.

Meo Carbon Solutions
Meo Carbon Solutions (MCS) is an independent consulting company with a special work focus and a long working history around renewable resources, wastes and residues, renewable energies, and biofuels. MCS has a thorough understanding of upstream and downstream operations, sustainability, certification, climate change and GHG calculations. Within BioReCer, MCS is leader of WP4 and supports the other WPs with its expertise in sustainability certification.

nova-Institute GmbH
nova-Institut GmbH has been working in the field of sustainability since the mid-1990s and today focuses primarily on the areas of circular economy, bioeconomy and CO2 utilisation.
The independent company supports the chemical and plastics industries in the transition from fossil to renewable carbon – based on biomass, CO2 utilisation or recycling – through research and science-based consulting.
Both in accompanying research for innovation projects and in individual business consulting, nova’s interdisciplinary team covers the entire value chain. It works on all topics from raw materials, technology scouting and market research to economics, policy, life cycle assessments and sustainability, as well as support in communication and strategy development.
50 experts from different fields work together to defossilise the industry and create a climate-neutral future.
Within BioReCer, nova leads WP8 and participates in WP2 and 4 with its expertise in certificates and LCA.

RISE is an independent research institute in Sweden. The unit within RISE who is active in BioReCer, RISE Processum AB, focuses on biorefinery development and possesses a unique research environment where new ideas and products may be tested from laboratory to demo scale. We are a linkage between research and commercialization.
Within BioReCer, RISE is mainly active within WP2 and WP4 and more specifically, focuses on case study 4, the forest industry.

UNI – Ente Italiano di Normazione
UNI is the Italian Standardisation body, a private, non-profit association to develop, approve and publish voluntary standards in all economic sectors (industry, trade and services) excluding electric and electrotechnical ones. UNI is the official Italian member of CEN (European Committee for Standardization) and ISO (International Standard organisation) as acknowledged by the EU Reg. N. 1025/2012 and the Italian law D.L 223 of 15/12/2017.
Within BioReCer, UNI participates in several tasks in WP2, 3, 4, 7 and 8 and is responsible for deliverable D7.3. UNI will map relevant standards and pre-standardisation documents at national, European and international level and will carry out a gap analysis to detect the existence of requirements relevant for the certification schemes.

Unitelma Sapienza
UnitelmaSapienza is one of the most active online universities in Italy that, besides teaching activities, has a strong focus on research activities with both national and international impact. The research line of our research team (the Bioeconomy in Transition Research Group – BiT-RG) is related to sustainable transition and circular bioeconomy.
Within BioReCer, UnitelmaSapienza supports WP2 and 4 with its expertise in environmental sustainability assessment as well as the coordination and support of the stakeholder involvement process.

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
The University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) is a public institution of higher education and research, composed of 28 institutes and research centers and 299 research groups. One of the research centers of excellence is CRETUS (Cross-Research in Environmental Technologies), in which BIOGROUP is integrated, a reference research group in LCA, wastewater treatment, circular economy, environmental management, among other topics. In this sense, the USC partner brings to the BioReCer project scientific knowledge related to the definition of criteria and principles of sustainability and circularity applicable for the evaluation of bio-based processes in the context of bioeconomy.

UniversitĂ Politecnica delle Marche
UniversitĂ Politecnica delle Marche (UNIVPM) is a university which was founded in 1969 in Ancona (Marche, Italy). It hosts 5 fields of education, 12 research departments and more than 50degree courses. The WWEELab (Water and Waste Environmental Engineering Lab) Research Group, coordinated by Prof. Francesco Fatone, manages several research projects funded by the main EU research programmes.
Within BioReCer, UNIVPM supports WP2 and WP4, and it is case study leader of the Italian urban biowaste demo case in WP6.